The UK’s worst area for phone signal found in West Midlands town

The north of Warwickshire is ranking first for poor mobile phone reception across the West Midlands, according to a national campaign.

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) launched a campaign last month to find and the areas where businesses struggle to get a mobile phone signal.

More than 500 people have responded across the country so far, 40 of which have been reported in Coventry and Warwickshire. A quarter of these “not-spots” reported in the area are in the Atherstone area, with additional reports from Old Arley.

The Rugby area, including Dunchurch, has had several locations logged along with Binley Woods, Earlsdon, Meriden, Stratford, Warwick, Leamington and Southam.

Louise Bennett, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said: “We’ve worked hard to promote this campaign among businesses across the patch.

“Mobile connectivity is now a utility so companies need to be connected wherever they go because more business than ever is done remotely or on the move and it’s a real cause of frustration.

“In a way, we are glad that so many not-spots have been reported from our area because it means we’ve done a good job in getting the message out there to businesses – however it’s vital now that we work with colleagues at the BCC and the network providers to eradicate the not-spots.”

