7 habits leaving you distracted at work

Ever get to the end of the work day and thought, what did I actually do today? Sometimes we think we’re working hard because we’re at work, but that isn’t necessarily the case. There are so many things that can distract us every day, but there are ways to work around these and keep on the right track to success.

1. Chatting to colleagues 
Obviously, it is great if you get along with your colleagues. However, it can be stopping you as well as the others from getting on with their work. Try keeping your catch up conversations to lunch breaks only, or allow yourself a few minutes every hour or so to make conversation with others. But if you’re chatting all day every day, chances are you’re damaging yours and your colleagues chance of success.

2. Multitasking 
You may think that multitasking makes you a harder worker, but you would be much better off by focusing on one task at a time. By multitasking, you’re actually wasting energy by switching between tasks and nothing ever actually gets finished. Focus on the task at hand and get it done before heading onto something else. You will feel much better too as you will have weights lifted off your shoulders throughout the day.

3. No schedule 
If you do not have a schedule to get you through the day, you may as well wave goodbye to anything getting done. It is always worthwhile having a notepad close by with what you need to get done that day. Make a work routine to follow every day and promise yourself that you will stick to it. A routine reminds us that we have goals to meet and by having one, you will be more likely to meet them sooner rather than later.

4. Always saying yes 
You may think that saying yes to everything from opportunities to meetings will make you appear like a better worker, but this really isn’t the case. If you choose carefully what you want to do rather than saying yes to everyone and everything, you will have much more spare time on your hands to focus on work and your actual job responsibilities. It is OK to say no to something if it isn’t going to help you in any way in the future.

5. Making excuses 
Ever find yourself sitting at your desk and blaming everyone else but yourself? Maybe you’re waiting on a colleague to get back to you on something, you’re tired because the kids kept you awake all night or you’re annoyed with the weather. By bringing this negativity into work with you every day, not only are you annoying your colleagues, you’re also stopping yourself from doing anything worthwhile. Spend the time you usually spend moaning on being productive and see the difference.

6. Web browsing 
You searched something to do with spreadsheets and an hour later you’re watching videos of pandas. How did you get here? It is all a blur right? Web browsing is one of the biggest culprits in distraction at work and it could be stopping you from reaching your goals. Try using site blockers whilst at work so you’re not tempted into checking your social media or googling obscure things.

7. Lack of checklists 
Those colleagues who spend their day ticking things off their checklist aren’t losers, they just understand that checklists can help them stay on track throughout the day. If you don’t have a to-do list, chances are you will forget a task and have to deal with the consequences. There is a lot of satisfaction in ticking tasks off throughout the day and will make you much more focused. 

