Is it time to quit?

Whether it’s the poor pay, an unbearable boss or even your colleagues pushing you out the door, there are a few things to consider before handing in your resignation. 

Are you miserable all week?

Most of us are guilty of being unhappy when having to get up, so being miserable every morning could just mean you’re not a morning person, or you like your bed a little too much.

It’s when work is making you miserable, stressed or anxious all day, every day that you need to consider quitting. If your negative view of the job is affecting your performance and overall quality of life, then look for other opportunities.  

But think about what causes your negativity towards the job before moving to a different company as it could require a complete career change. 

Is it affecting your health?

If your chosen job is having a negative impact on your physical or mental health, it’s time to pack up your things and move on. Clearly the role is not a suitable fit for your needs. 

Is the company sinking?

Don’t go down with a sinking ship if you don’t have to. If you sense the business is about to cease trading , start looking for a new job and get out before the company goes under. 

Your duties have increased but pay is the same

Sometimes there’s a perfectly valid reason for this, for example, the company is short staffed and lack funding – but if this is the case, refer to the previous point. 

If it’s clear the company is doing well and employers still refuse to pay you adequately, you need to leave. This shows you are obviously unappreciated and undervalued there and need to move onto the next job. 

You’ve outgrown your job

You’ll know when this happens because you start getting bored with your current responsibilities and nothing is challenging anymore. If you’re stagnating at your job and not learning anything new, it’s pointless being there.
