6 tell tale signs you nailed the interview

There’s always those awkward few hours after an interview where you’re in limbo and don’t really know whether you blew them away or completely blew it. Friends and family will ask you how it went but you never know for sure if you’ve got the job or not. 

Here’s what you should look out for to give you an idea which way the decision will go…

1. Body language

Most of the time your negative feelings about the interview stem from your answers or lack of as well as the reaction of the interviewer. If she or he is leaning in, nodding profusely and engaging in a lot of conversation, then you’re on the right track. 

2. Extensive notes

Hiring managers can usually tell whether you’re right for the job as soon as they first shake your hand, so if they’re looking uninterested and not scribbling anything down, it’s because the decision had already been made from the outset.

Although this doesn’t mean you’ve got the job in the bag, it’s a good start as shows you are engaging enough to be noteworthy. 

3. The interview runs over

You should be starting to get a good feeling from the interviewer if the next candidate is waiting for your interview to end. Clearly, your answers have been sufficient and a relationship is being made between you and your future employer. 

4. There’s talk of perks

If the interviewer starts discussing the benefits of the job, salary and company policies, you can give yourself a pat on the back because it’s highly likely you’ll be hearing good news from the company soon.  

5. You’re shown around

If you’ve been given the grand tour of the offices it’s pretty much a done deal. It’s very unlikely that an employer will show you around, get your hopes up and then let you down. 

6. The goodbye

So you’re walking out of the interview maybe 20-30 minutes late, the interviewer has made pages of notes, you’ve seen the exact desk you could be working at and the interviewer has dished out his sales talk, what now? 

The hiring manager will probably walk you out, continuing the conversation in a light and friendly manner. Another huge indicator of whether you will have secured the job  or not is whether they discuss the next stage with you without you having to ask. At this stage you can rest easy in the knowledge that you are definitely a strong candidate. 
