Do you treat your car better than you treat yourself?

Most of us know that our cars need regular servicing to prevent them breaking down. We pay for them to be checked regularly so potential problems can be identified and prevented. We are required by law to have them checked by a competent mechanic annually. We know that failing to service a vehicle can lead to a serious vehicle failure or accident.

So why don’t we do the same for ourselves?

Unfortunately for some people the first sign of disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes is a potentially catastrophic event such as a heart attack or a stroke. After this patients are started on medication and receive regular check-ups.

You wouldn’t wait until your engine seizes before changing the oil so why do so many of us do the equivalent to our bodies?

There are a number of reasons. For many, thinking about cardiovascular disease and diabetes raises uncomfortable thoughts about our own ageing and mortality. People who are lucky enough to have led healthy lives are sometimes reluctant to admit they may benefit from having a check-up.  We might worry that a doctor may admonish our lifestyle and insist we stop doing the things we enjoy.

The most effective weapon against preventable disease such as strokes, heart attacks and diabetes is knowledge. A standard GP appointment is not long enough for a doctor to impart the amount of information required. For a GP to properly educate a patient on disease prevention, diet, exercise and mental health would take days.

This is why The Apollo Course was developed. This 5 day doctor-led residential course teaches how mental health, diet and physical health and fitness are interlinked. We will show you how realistic, achievable lifestyle modifications can be more effective than medications to reduce your risk of preventable disease.

Our dietician will explain the evidence behind popular diets, superfoods and healthy eating recommendations. Our outdoor instructors and personal trainers will show you how effective levels of exercise are achievable without setting foot in a gym or wearing lycra. Our doctor will explain the causes of preventable disease as well as performing blood tests and body measurements to help develop a personalised plan to keep you healthy.

As well as getting your car serviced this year, why not do the same for yourself?

See our website or the video below for more information about the course.
